The BIONORTE Network brings together Legal Amazon Institutions, with the purpose of accelerating human resources training and integrating skills for the development of research and innovation projects, focusing on biodiversity and biotechnology, aiming to generate knowledge, processes and products that contribute to the sustainable development of the Legal Amazon. The network was established within the scope of the Ministry of Science and Technology by MCT Ordinance nº 901, of 12.04.2008.

Characterization of the network environment

The BIONORTE Network was established to work on two fronts: to increase knowledge of the Amazónian biodiversity by developing biotechnological processes and products, and to train human resources for the sustainable development of the Legal Amazon.

As a first action of the Network, the MCT / CNPq / FNDCT-ACTION TRANSVERSAL / CT-AMAZÔNIA / CT-BIOTEC / BIONORTE Notice No. 066/2009 was launched contemplating three lines of research: Knowledge of Amazónian biodiversity; Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity; and Bioprospecting and Development of Bioproducts and Bioprocesses. 19 projects were approved involving the nine states of the Legal Amazon.

For the training of human resources, a graduate program at the doctoral level is being created, with the participation of institutions from all the states of the Legal Amazon, whose proposal of application was submitted to CAPES on 07/02/2010.

Main Objective

To Integrate skills for the development of research, development, innovation and human resource training projects, focusing on biodiversity and biotechnology, aiming to generate knowledge, processes and products that contribute to the sustainable development of the Legal Amazon.

Specific objectives

Generate knowledge, processes and products from Amazonian biodiversity.

Train human resources, with emphasis on training doctors, and attracting researchers to the region.

Accelerate the process of development of the Legal Amazon.

Central Network Activities

To develop interdisciplinary and multi-institutional research projects in biodiversity, conservation and biotechnology;

Structuring and consolidating the post-graduation program of the BIONORTE Network;

To promote interactions of Science and Technology Institutions - ICTs and companies aiming at the development of projects of conservation, sustainable use and biotechnology;

To promote the creation of biotechnology companies and bio-industry parks within the Legal Amazon;

Subsidize the development of public policies for the promotion of sustainable development.

Governance Structure

Board of Directors

Executive Coordination

Scientific Committee

Executing Center - ICTs and Business Sector of the nine states of the Legal Amazon.